Wednesday, June 17, 2009

dance recital

Lydia with her flowers and ballet barbie she got after her performances, she did so good!!!! So proud of her! The boys also did a wonderful job but I didn't get pictures of them, I just didn't think about it, but we were so proud of the boys also they did great and had a blast!!!! They danced to No sleep til brooklyn for their Hip Hop and The boys are back in Town for their Tap! They did great and they had such a great time that they want to do it again next year!!!

Elijah before and after with his braces....Look how good his teeth look!

Dads home so that means POWER TOOLS!!!!

Lydia in her Sugar Plum Fairy costume for her ballet dance

Sissy in her Tap costume, they danced to New York New York, so so cute!!! All of her class did a great job

Uma and her little dancer!!!!

Dayleigh and Lydia danced the same day, and they did great! Dayleigh stole the show in her dances, she was so cute!!!! Lydia and her brothers, they were so proud!

We had a great weekend full of dance dance and more dance!!!!! All the kids did such a great job, we are so proud of them all! We were so glad Uma and Papa were able to make it down, and best of all Daddy was here! We had 3 different shows in Nashville so it was a lot of driving and sitting but oh so worth it!

tball/cubscouts/welcome home signs

The Moore kids came over and we made our annual Welcome Home signs for Nathan.....The kids enjoy it especially the girls who love the paint!!!!

Elijah enjoyed a week at cubscout camp, it was everyday from 8-3, he had a great time!

Isaac being super silly, he says he is a Ben10 character, not sure who but anyways this is a funny picture

Isaac finished up with a great season in TBall his team won 2 games during playoffs, and lost to a tough team, but he was trully on a wonderful team and had a great coach! He really enjoyed this season!