Wednesday, September 20, 2006

car accident

Here are a few pictures of the car after the accident. Thank God that Lydia and I are ok, that is all I can say. I fishtailed, and hit one tree, and pinballed between 2 trees...the one picture of me standing is where the tree was....
Thank Jesus that Lydia and I were able to walk away from it...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

isaacs first day

Yesterday was Isaacs first day of school. He is going 2 times a week, from 9-2..he really enjoyed yesterday and when we got to the school he did not even want me to walk him in, of course I did...Then I added a few more pictures of Lydia from this weekend....she just cut three teeth all at once, so now she has 4...and i thought she would never get any!!!!

Grandma's 91

While we were at Grandma Addie came to meet her name sake Adelyn Grace, but it was also her 91st birthday so we were able to celebrate it with her. It was so wonderful to see her and grandpa ted, and for anyone out there she really wants some company in if you can make it she has room for you.....


We spent the weekend at Greg and Vonnies. We had a great time, it doesn't happened often but when it does we have a lot of fun. I tell Nathan I think he acts 12 when he gets with his brothers...the guys had fun shooting rockets, fishing, wrestling, watching football, and just hanging out. Us girls did a little shopping, and played with the kids. I really enjoyed Graces and meeting her, she is a doll!!! I wish we could see her more often but we treasure the time we have together more this way!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Here are the boys and the rockets Elijah got for his birthday, I don't know who is enjoying them more, Nathan or the boys....

update on house

here are a few new pictures of the house, lydias room we got the walls painted, not the trim, and here is a picture of the boys bathroon, as you can tell the theme is spiderman, and while my mom was here she drew spiderman for the boys..... Also here is a review of the kids halloween costumes, and Isaac with his crush....

Monday, September 04, 2006

Elijahs 7

Its hard to believe that Elijah is already 7! Time has just flown by with him!!! We had a nice day and a fun party. Here are a few pictures of the day, the kids enjoyed a pinta, and there is a picture of Papa giving him his birthday spankings....


Here are some new pictures of Lydia. One with a pink little bow in her hair, we get excited that she is getting some hair, and she is enjoying some candy in the sink..


We went to the Nashville Zoo! We had a great time, the boys were super excited to feed the birds, they had lots of fun...