Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Elijah and his rolls...then all the kids

Lydia and Harley (ha-ha)...then Elijah, Isaac, and Parker

Elijah, Parker, and Isaac at Lamberts......

We spent the weekend in Sikeston, MO. We had a wonderful time visiting family and just hanging out!!! Nathan did a GREAT job as he spoke at church and was a guest speaker for their Memorial Day celebration!! The kids had a good time playing with Nicole and Chads kids! We also went to Lamberts, and Elijahs baseball has helped him not just at the games, but he was able to catch the rolls this time! Last time I think he dropped at least 3, so he was so excited!!

Swing Set

Last weekend Greg and Vonnie came down to help Nathan build the swing set they got the kids for Christmas, it was a beautiful weekend, and alot of HOT sun!! Its not quite done but the kids are having fun playing on it, and are enjoying their new fort!! Also Vonnie showed the kids how to use her sewing machine while she was making Isaacs tent for his bed!! They know more then I do!!! Then there are just a few pictures of Isaac and Nathan working on the truck and Lydia eating Nachos, she LOVES them, almost as much as mom does!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Isaacs Graduation

Isaac had his 4yr. preschool Graduation today, it was so nice and of course mom cried. I just can't believe my little boy is going to be 5 and will not be my peanut boy for much long. He really enjoyed the Sonshine School, and he will be going to the 5 year class there next year. Isaac is pictured in his cap and gown and there is also a picture of his teacher Miss Tara, who was a great teacher!!!!

Uma and Papa and Kids

This past week my parents came, we got alot done. Papa went on a field trip to Home Depot with Elijahs class, along with Nathan, clebrated my moms birthday and we got some yard work done. Well, I shouldn't say "we", it was more my parents, and Isaac. Also are pictures of the kids that I took through out the week. The kids have made lots of new friends in the neighborhood, and we are always outside playing. The boys have been busy with soccer and baseball, and lydia has been busy playing with her baby dolls. Also we have been battling with Lydia and her being sick, she went to a new doctor and she has another ear infection and she is on breathing treatments(so is Isaac) so hopefully whatever is wrong with her this medicine she is on will help and she will start feeling better.