Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter and Misc

How cute are the kids...The boys were so handsome,and Lydia was so pretty!!!!

Elijah also got a new gameboys game and the movie Enchanted from the Easterbunny
The kids with their new Webkinz that Uma got them for Easter

What the Easter Bunny brought them. Isaac got that gameboys game and the BEE Movie, and Lydia got a Diego movie, hey it wasn't Dora, and a Strawberry Shortcake doll

Yes my boys color Easter Eggs without shirts on, it only because the stuff stains and I don't have anything else to put on them,and Lydia kept her shirt on and now its in the trash....

Lydia and her new baby doll Uma got her. Isaac and Lydia enjoyed playing. Isaac was getting the baby around and changing her cloths and he said "This is alot of hard work, my dad doesn't do this stuff." It was really cute, and I told him if he did all that for his wife someday, his life would be good!!!

The snow I was driving through, it might not look bad but when you are not use to driving in it, it was

Lydia eating nachos in Elijah room, and Elijah and I at his Easter party

We traveled to MI this weekend to spend part of Elijahs and all of Isaacs spring break up here. I said who travels north for their spring break? Elijah is like we do, I love the cold!!! He is so silly!!! I had good travels until I hit north IN, south MI and they were getting lots of snow, but it lasted for about 45 min. and I drove through it. I was just alittle stressed out.

The boys spent the day at Uncle Robs house on Sat. playing video games. They thought that was pretty cool to hang out there with just the guys all day

On Easter the boys and I went to church, then we all met up at my grandma and grandpas house. The kids had alot of fun playing and going on an Easter Egg hunt!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Our weekend

The cub scouts cars, Elijahs is the last one in the front row....

Lynnie in I in our stripes....and the four boys....they are buddies!!!

Getting the cars weighed

Trey and Elijah with their cars, and Isaac with his car

The boys at dinner, they thought they were so big eating at their own table
The kids in their new t-shirt Uncle A and Aunt Christy got them....

Lydia with her new jewrley, maybe she will stay out of mine.....
We had a great weekend, busy but great!

We went to dinner with the Moores Friday night, to a new hamburger place called Five guys, and it was super good!! Lots of french fries!!! Then Greg came into town to help the boys finsih up there pinewood derby cars....they looked so
good!!! Isaac ended up winning his first race again McCade, and lost the last two, then Elijah didn't win a race, but one was a tie, I just know it!!! He was alittle bummed out about it, and I said, next year you can only do better, and Pappo told him he scooped out the other cars, and he thinks he knows how to make it go there is always next year!!! We had a great time having Papo here, of course the time flew by~the kids really enjoyed it....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cub Scout Graduation

Dayday and Isaac, they were so so so good at the meeting... they both were angels!!!

Tyler, Elijah, and Trey after they ripped open their pinatas, don't even get me started on how I feel about that....then Elijah pinning me....

Lynnie and I, then Buddy and I waiting to get the boys awards, for some reason they presented them to the parents....but we are so proud of our little men!!!

Sissy and Mom, see she is doing the "cheese" thing, driving me nuts...Then Elijah and Trey with their pinatas, Elijahs is an alien, and Treys is a skatboard, can you tell????

Elijah had his cub scout graudation tonight, the theme was Fiesta!!! So all the boys had to make a pinata so we were busy making that this weekend. I think ours turned out really well, I hope you can tell its suppose to be an alien head?? But I do have to Thank Lynnie because if it wasn't for her, ours would of looked pretty sad, she showed me the "right" way to do it!!! But the meeting went well, of course its crazy time, but the kids have fun!!!