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Rockets, and MISC
Isaac's 1st grade class had a garage sale to raise money for their class, and it was a great success!! Even Elijah took part and he had a great attitude and it wasn't even to help him....what a great sport!!!
Frankie and Sissy making silly faces!!! Me and sissy!!!
Sissy in her cute new Watermelon Dress...its so cute!!!
No that is no Roo, its our "new" dog, Lucy, she was our neighbors dog, and they were home at all to take care of her, and we are and we love her, I never thought I would be a dog person and now I have 2, but Lucy is so good, she is loveable and her and Roo have a time together, and she loves Nathan....
Our last date night before Nathan had to go back...and we went to Bonefish with the Moores, and I do not like seafood, not my favorite, and I LOVED it!!! Bam Bam shrimp so yummy!!!

Part of having daddy home means it Rocket time, oh how the kids loved it, not just ours but all the neighborhood kids loved shooting the rockets off, rain or shine we did it!!!