Thursday, July 10, 2008

4th of July

All ready for the fireworks to begin, Lydia looks like she is going to enjoy them, but she did not like them at all. She was like "no boom boom mommy, and I was like would you rather go nite nite, and she was like "yes!" So we went upstairs, and she laid under the blankets...but no she didn't go to bed

Trying to get some good shots but the sun was in the wrong spot to get them, but hey they turned out OK

4th of July at the Arch, it was alittle crazy and BUSY but it was fun!! Do you love my 4th of July shirt!!!
Sissy loved her Uncle Norm!!!

The boys getting ready for the BIG Cardinals game, and Lydia felt like she needed in one of the pictures.....

The kids and I went back to St. Louis over the 4th of July. Uncle Norm, Aunt Angie, Rosa, Chase, Joel, Tamara, and Big Grace were also meeting us there. We got there an afternoon early because V got us tickets to see High School Musical the play outside, oh we were thrilled to go, the show was postponed about a hour because of rain, then it started and at the very end it rained again, but it was so fun!!!