The kids and their gifts daddy brought back home..they were so excited!!
Lydia was waiting a long time for Nathan to get back to paint her nails, that is their thing! I think I did it once while he was away....then Nathan and I before Elijahs game.
The kids in front of their signs before p/u Nathan, I didnt get any at the airport, it was a little crazy, but we have alot of this weekend, and I will post more pictures later.....
The kids closing their eyes waiting to get their gifts!
We picked Nathan up Thursday afternoon! Oh we were all so excited to see Daddy!!! Lydia all morning was like "daddy, daddy, daddy" singing and dancing, and she of course wanted to look so pretty for him. The boys were so thrilled and could hardly wait, they had a rough time going to sleep the night before. We had a busy day Nathans first day home, he got to watch Elijah play baseball, and he brought back little gifts for the kids!!!