The guys doing their stunts for us..... My new room, yes I am so proud, we did a great job! Oh well I mean Nathan, I did a great job watching him paint!!!
Elijahs best buddy from school and Lydia trying to help Dayleigh on the fence.... The boys takeing apart a broken TV, with a neighbor boy, and the boys having fun in the pool!
Here are a few more pictures, they really do not go into any catagory just some extras that I have taken in the last couple weeks........
Isaac had a big week a couple weeks ago. He has been wanting to learn how to ride his bike with the training wheels off, and I didn't have much faith that he could do it, or that it would take only like 5 minutes for him to get the hang of it. He still needs to work on stopping and turning, but we were super proud! Then he lost his 2nd tooth, sort of out of no where, I didn't even know it was loose~THEN finally his t-ball team won the 5 year old championship this year so that was really exciting for the kids!!!!
True friendship when you can carry your friend over the HOT blacktop because he doesn't have shoes on, and grab his hinny while doing it..... The gurley clan, then the Moores minus time Day you can come
Its hard to believe that Greg stayed under this almost all day except for about 30 minutes and he got burnt.....
Lynnie and I in our cute new coverups.....
Ok so we took a TON of pictures while we were in St. Louis, Lynnie and I each took 200....I think Greg is the only one to know we took that many, he wondered seriously how many of the same people we could take...well the answer is 400 plus.....We went to a little water park, and it was alot of fun, not too big just right....
oh goodness, the best doughnuts ever for breakfast!!! they are so so so good!!! Yes Greg did fireworks, yes you are not suppose to, and yes the cops came......
Not sure where my picture of Isaac is on the bike....but Lynnies was a little freaked out with the boys on the bike, and yes I let lydia, but Vonnie did have to ride with them......
So when us women were at the conference on Saturday the guys plus Lydia went to the Cardinals game, they had a great game, and the Cardinals won! I also need to say that I was proud of Nathan, he got Lydia dressed and put her hair in piggy's....she looked so cute!!!!
Buddy and Lynnie having fun going down 2 different slides.... Lydia having fun on the rope swing....
Look at Isaac having fun!!!
Yes, Lydia was a climbing fool too, all I can say about that is good thing her daddy was there because she might not of had as much fun, he was behind her the whole time, and I don't think I would of been doing that.....
Outside the city museum, and yes the kids are able to climb and play in all this outside, but the day we went it was a rainy day so they had it closed down, for saftey reasons, can I just say I prob. would of been a nervous wreck....
On our lunch break, then another break we went to Union Station to look around...
We also went to the St.Louis City Museum, and it was AWESOME! We have gone to alot of museums in our time and this one takes the cake! The kids loved it, and I really enjoyed it, which if you don't know me its a big deal because I enjoy going but I don't usually LOVE it!! Then Us women went to Women of Faith Conference, and it was so good! Tamara, my sister in law, works for them, and she was able to arrange for us to meet Nicole C Mullens, and that was fun. We were running late, and thought we were going to miss that, but it all worked out!
Welcome to our site. We try to do the best job updating or keeping everyone updated on our lives since our family is so spread out. We try to add pictures once a week, but sometimes it might be a little longer. We hope you enjoy the blog and all the pictures.
We just moved back to Michigan after living in TN for 7 years. Nathan got a "career" finally in the states and can you believe it, its back in Michigan...
We have been married 17 years, and have 4 beautiful children....Elijah 14, Isaac 11, Lydia 7 and Avyn 2