On Thurs. Elijah's team had the most amazing game, we ended up loosing, but it was so close, and great!!! All the kids played so good, and Elijah had an AWESOME catch in the outfield, he received the game ball. It was sad Nathan couldn't be here to see it, but Greg and Vonnie were so that was special, and they came for a great game
Some pictures of Lydia....
On Friday we went to the house of our 8th president, Andrew Jackson, The Hermtiage, it was AWESOME, and the kids really enjoyed it!!!
Me and Isaac, and Mrs. Graves, Isaacs teacher, she adores him....
Also since Vonnie was here I was ablet to go iwth Isaac on his field trip to the Discovery Center with his class, so that was super fun!!! Isaac was finding little tadpols, and then he was finding little eggs in the wading pond...
The kids were excited to get ice cream from the icecream truck, since Mimi was here, so that was an extra speical treat for them
The last week Vonnie came to watch the boys play baseball, and Greg joined us latter in the week. It was so nice having an extra set of hand to help out, and cook dinner. We also got flowers to planted in the front, so it looks so nice!!!
Welcome to our site. We try to do the best job updating or keeping everyone updated on our lives since our family is so spread out. We try to add pictures once a week, but sometimes it might be a little longer. We hope you enjoy the blog and all the pictures.
We just moved back to Michigan after living in TN for 7 years. Nathan got a "career" finally in the states and can you believe it, its back in Michigan...
We have been married 17 years, and have 4 beautiful children....Elijah 14, Isaac 11, Lydia 7 and Avyn 2