Monday, March 10, 2008

Big Blizzard in M'boro

Isaac and his BIG snowball, I should say ice ball because its in the freezer, he wanted to keep it!!!
The picture is below is the ground at 8am, our BIG snow storm and above is what it looked like at 2pm, all the fun was gone!!!

Lydia and the Diego hat and toys, then her and Dayleigh, they look like play together but really all they do it fight!!!
Lydia is wanting yes I mean wanting me to take her picture, but she is into saying "cheese" so I don't get the best pictures because she shuts her eyes, and says "cheesssseee!!!!" Oh its annoying me!!!

Isaac had "hat" day at school, and this was the the night before and he wanted me to take his picture, so then sissy had to pick out a had and she wanted hers taken
Lydia got into Moms make up and did this right before bed!!!

So this weekend we went to the Moores for alittle while, before the storm was going to hit, there is a picture of Dayleigh and Lydia playing dolls, also Lydia in McCade Diego hat, which she just LOVES, and her shopping cart full of Diego toys, that is favorite thing to do there. Which we did get nasty freexing rain on Friday night

Then when we woke up Saturday am there was snow on the ground, it was pretty. Being from the north though it was funny because Isaacs school called school an hour early on Friday because of dropping temperature, it has not even started to snow yet!!! Then Friday they cancelled soccer for Saturday morning, which I didn't mind, meant we could sleep in. We had snow in the morning and by 2pm it was all gone, and life was back to normal