It was 3 weeks yesterday since Nathan left. Things are going better then I thought they would go. Of course we miss him a TON, but the kids so far are doing well, don't get me wrong we ALL have our moments that is for sure. I am going to type alittle more of our daily life, or little things so Nathan can read this when he has time or things I might forget to tell him....
The boys are busy with indoor soccer. Elijah is a denfense KING, oh he loves it, that is where always ask the coach to go, Isaac is my offense KING~he scored 2 goals on Saturday. When the game was over yesterday Isaac asked "What son played the best?", as a good mom I said you both played equally well. Of course Isaac didn't like that answer, so he switched it to "If you only had one son, which son played the best?", I responsed "that is just too hard to answer because both of you play different and are better in different areas."
Lydia is doing good~she is talking more and more everyday. She likes to talk on the phone, but just when she wants to. She always wants to call Daddy, so she pretends she is talking to him on the phone, its cute!!! She also thinks she has to have her ewwws on all the time, she wears me out with that!!! Words she says.... Dora=DoDo, GO Diego GO= go DD go, shoes= ewwws, Elijah=caca
Those are just a few things off the top of my head!!! She is a hand full, and a funny little girl that is for sure....