Wednesday, February 27, 2008


The boys have been busy with indoor soccer. They have all their games on Satursday morning. Isaac is really enjoying it this year, its not hard to get him to go to practice or the games. He has been busy scoring!!! He usually scores at least 1 goal durning the games....Elijah is enjoying it also, he has a really great coach. He some how just gets lucky with great coaches. He is the defense KING!!!! He also scored this weekend!!! I enjoy watching them learn and grow in all the sports they play!!! (above is Nathan, Tina son, him and Isaac are on the same team, they are buddies!!)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lydia and new hair cut..

Here are a couple other pictures of Lydia taken today, today she is carrying her Dora purse and wearing her Dora glasses. She was going with me to get my hair cut, and big day out!!! Also are pictures of my new hair cut, if anyone really cares...but thought I would share....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Late Valentines

The kids got their Valentines from Uma and Papa today so I thought I would share the pictures. Lydia saw the box and just knew there had to be something in there for her. She was trying to open the box all by herself. She was trilled when she was her new purple puppy purse, and she has been carrying it everywhere, and filling it up with all her important belongs, i.e. her pacifiers....Then the boys got there new Webkinz that they really really wanted. Elijah got a monkey, he will be naming BoBo, and Isaac got his turtle that I think he is naming Tuk....Which Webkinz drive me INSANE, but they love them, so what do I do???

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The side view, the front view....

I just took this picture of Lydia with her new Dora Earmuffs, they were 1.74..She loves them!!! They crack me up!!! Sorry she has a cold, and her face is snotty....

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Nathan wanted to see some new pictures, well this is the best I got this week. Yes Lydia had been crying but when I said Daddy wants a picture she straighted up..THen the pictures of the boys was before school, all ready to go, and we seriously got a dusting of snow, and school had been cancelled, let me tell you how happy I was!!!!! All up and dressed by 7 and now where to go, oh the fun!!!

It was 3 weeks yesterday since Nathan left. Things are going better then I thought they would go. Of course we miss him a TON, but the kids so far are doing well, don't get me wrong we ALL have our moments that is for sure. I am going to type alittle more of our daily life, or little things so Nathan can read this when he has time or things I might forget to tell him....

The boys are busy with indoor soccer. Elijah is a denfense KING, oh he loves it, that is where always ask the coach to go, Isaac is my offense KING~he scored 2 goals on Saturday. When the game was over yesterday Isaac asked "What son played the best?", as a good mom I said you both played equally well. Of course Isaac didn't like that answer, so he switched it to "If you only had one son, which son played the best?", I responsed "that is just too hard to answer because both of you play different and are better in different areas."

Lydia is doing good~she is talking more and more everyday. She likes to talk on the phone, but just when she wants to. She always wants to call Daddy, so she pretends she is talking to him on the phone, its cute!!! She also thinks she has to have her ewwws on all the time, she wears me out with that!!! Words she says.... Dora=DoDo, GO Diego GO= go DD go, shoes= ewwws, Elijah=caca

Those are just a few things off the top of my head!!! She is a hand full, and a funny little girl that is for sure....

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Isaacs camera

These 3 pictures are of us at the airport dropping Nathan off.....

The little boy is Mccade our friends son

Isaac got a Fisher-Price Camera for Christmas, so I thought I would share some of his pictures. He was the only one who had a camera with him the day Nathan left town, so the first 3 pictures are with Isaacs camera, he took all the pictures except the one with him and Nathan...its take a good little picture I think.....

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Isaacs first lost tooth

Isaac and his missing tooth, and then Isaac and Lydia cuddling watching TV, Lydia had been to her Mimis house for a few days and Isaac as you can see missed her

Isaac also had CRAZY hat day at school, not sure if you can tell but there are animals haning off his hat, it was cute, and CRAZY...then this happens to be Lydias new favorite spot right now

The boys finishing up the derby cars before Nathan leaves because there is no WAY mom would be able to do that....Then Lydia in her outfit Uncle Joel and Aunt Tamara got her for her birthday

Nathan left on Friday, which the kids did a good job, some tears but they are doing well, we have our moments of course but all in all things are well. We all have now all had the flu, so that has been fun dealing with that, and the big news of the week~Isaac lost his first tooth!!! Yes this made me alittle sad~just because he is getting big, which I know they have too, but they will be grown before I know it. So trying to cherish all these days even when I don't feel all that well and just want to lay in bed all day!!! Isaac was so thrilled with this big event in his life, the tooth fairy left him some star wars guys, and some airhead candy!!!