Our pool we have also enjoyed every much

Ocean time, all the kids enjoy the ocean and jumping in the waves, but Elijah loves it, I think he would be in there all day if I would let him

The BIG Crab Boil, everyone seemed to really enjoy it, Isaac especially enjoyed the clams
The Barnhill kids, and Uma and Lydia

The Hooker Family-Jack, BreeAnn, Kenize, and Katie...I said this should be there Christmas Card...
Uncle Rob and Elijah, me and Laura(my cousin Laura, who was our flowergirl)

As I post this we are still pool/beach side. We are having lots of fun!! We miss Nathan and wish that he was here with us. The first day we enjoyed the Barnhill Family reunion, then we have been soaking up the sun...We have enjoyed, well the boys, fresh seafood almost every night,and we even had a surprise party for Isaac the other night, and let me tell you he was SURPRISED!!!!