Sunday, June 24, 2007


Cameron, Isaac, and Lydia had LOTS of fun at the park!!!!

Uma rocking Isaac and Lydia, and Marble just being alittle jealous!!! And Cameron and Isaac behaving thmeselves.

Lydia and her favorite doll, which Marble destroyed, well just took her hands off...and Lydia with her crazy hair!!!

Lydia drinking out of her favorite cup at Uma and Pappas...Then her and Auntie Bree, she loves her Auntie!!!

Lydia and Isaac in the little swimming pool Uma bought her for when we are in NC. Then Isaac has his mouth full of whipped cream, one of his favorite things to "eat" at Umas....

Lydia, Isaac, and I went to MI for the week. (Elijah is with his Mimi for the week having his own fun!!)

We had alot of fun, and relaxed. We went to Flusing to see Aunt Angie, Chase, and Rosa. We went to the park, and a few trips to yummy Dairy Hill!!!