This past week my parents came, we got alot done. Papa went on a field trip to Home Depot with Elijahs class, along with Nathan, clebrated my moms birthday and we got some yard work done. Well, I shouldn't say "we", it was more my parents, and Isaac. Also are pictures of the kids that I took through out the week. The kids have made lots of new friends in the neighborhood, and we are always outside playing. The boys have been busy with soccer and baseball, and lydia has been busy playing with her baby dolls. Also we have been battling with Lydia and her being sick, she went to a new doctor and she has another ear infection and she is on breathing treatments(so is Isaac) so hopefully whatever is wrong with her this medicine she is on will help and she will start feeling better.
Welcome to our site. We try to do the best job updating or keeping everyone updated on our lives since our family is so spread out. We try to add pictures once a week, but sometimes it might be a little longer. We hope you enjoy the blog and all the pictures.
We just moved back to Michigan after living in TN for 7 years. Nathan got a "career" finally in the states and can you believe it, its back in Michigan...
We have been married 17 years, and have 4 beautiful children....Elijah 14, Isaac 11, Lydia 7 and Avyn 2