Lydia and her dolls!! Her new Cinderella doll the Easter bunny got her, she can bring her in the tub. And my red headed doll she seems to like!!!

Here are the boys loving their chocolate cake, and Isaac with Miss Pattcake, (I think that is who she is) That is who Isaac got to see, and Elijah got to see Bibleman..

Bob with the egg Nathan says he ruined, and the boys and Bob with their favorite eggs...

Yes, her dad put stickers on her face, and for reason she liked it and put more....

Not sure what kind of smile Elijah has going for him, and Lydia throwing her fit above and enjoying her chocolate below

Here are our Easter Pictures. The boys colored Easter eggs, and Lydia really wanted too, but we just couldn't tackle that mess. Instead she threw a little fit, and decided she would be better off making a mess eating chocolate, and having her daddy put stickers on her face. The boys posed with their favorite eggs, and so did Bob. Bob was amazed with the wrappers you put on the eggs! He enjoyed putting them in the boiling water and watching them stick. Nathan harassed him a little saying he was "messing" them up...We had an amazing Church service, at first I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all the people, but after the shock of it all it was AWESOME seeing everyone there and praising Jesus!!!! We went out to eat and the boys ate all their dinner so Bob bought them desert and they were in amazement of it as you can see...