Also included are a few pictures of Lydias 1 year pictures....she really didn't want to cooperate, but I did get some good shots....

Its hard to believe that our little princess just turned one today!!! She is walking now, and starting to climb up the stairs, which of course stresses mom out!!! We had a nice little birthday party for her, her Uma and Pappa were her, and our family friends Tina and Lee, and their kids, and our special neighbors Dave and Patty and their boys. Its was nice, and it was nice for everyone to come to our little first birthday party, it made it special!!! Lydia loved her cake, I think she ate most of what we gave her, she loves that white cake and white frosting!!! She got some baby dolls, blocks, cloths, blanket and pillow, weeble castle, and her very very favorite is her new pink cell phone!!!!