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Mom and I, serioulsy how cute is my mom???? and Me, Bree, and Lynnie, thanks Lynnie for helping put on the shower I think it was a huge success and Bree was happy with it

Auntie Bree and Lydia, and Bree and me, ready for Brees big day!!!! well not as big as when Chloe will be born but this shower was a BIG deal:)

All the guys ready for the game and us girls getting ready for BreeAnns shower

Pappa and his boys and Nathan and Buddy

The boys in their MSU sweatshirts we looked long and hard for and Elijahs MSU cast Nathan drew for turned out awesome

Elijah ran for VP student council, he didn't win but we are so proud of him, and above his Tundra habitat....
Lydia on her first day of her last year of MDO, and bless her teacher she has a classroom FULL of girls, no boys...I guess girls do rule the school