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One of the reason my mom came down was Elijah, he broke his thumb. He is fine, he just needs the cast for about 3 weeks, thankful its not longer and its ORANGE, not pink or red, orange his is favorite color. He is bummin alittle just because he has to miss football and gym, but hey 3 weeks isn't bad.....

We had quite a week here, and I needed some extra help and so my mom flew down to help me. I don't need help often but when I do, I am so thankful my mom was there for me!!!! I don't know what I would do without her help!!!! Its hard not to be right there by family a lot of the times but when I need them the most they are always there for me and it means so much
I redid the dining room a bit, just added different certains and tablecloth...then lydia smelling the flowers, she always wants me to take these pictures....

All Lydia wanted to do is ride the carousel

We also were able to catch a Tigers game and we had so much fun! We had awesome seats, and we were in the shade on a very HOT HOT day....and the Tigers won!!!!
The boys on Uma and Papas boat...we just had so much fun on the boat....

Jasper and Duke, the brothers are so happy to be together!!!!

We took some family pictures while in East Lansing, we got some great pictures, but yes we looked nerdy walking around EL all in white

Isaac wanted to see Sparty and Elijah wanted to see the Paul Bunyan trophy...the boys loved being in EL, and it was great seeing it in their eyes, its funny that we take it for granted growing up so close to MSU and they just thought it was the greatest town!!!!
The kids in front of was one thing Isaac wanted to see
Lydia also loves loves loves her Uncle Norm!!!! and Aunt Ang wants to know what Elijah got taller then her??????

Chase and Elijah, and Lydia and Rosa....Lydia loves Rosa and even asked me the other day why didn't I name her Rosa, and I said well your middle name is Rose, and she said ahhh that is not the same
Lydia and Maeve, and the kids trading silly bands
Aunt Angie got me a ice cream birthday cake, which was the BOMB and so super yummy, thank you Ang....
the boys plus Lydia and me and baby Asher, he is so cute!!!!

On our way back down state we stopped at Uncle Norms and Aunt Angies to see them and the kids. Lindsay was there with her 2 sweet adorable little girls, and Lisa came with Eden and Asher, it was great seeing everyone even if it was just for a little while