New hair cuts!!!!

The kids getting their hair cut from the best person I know to cut their hair, Barb does the best job on the kids hair!!!

Uma and Papas beautiful Christmas tree, it was so pretty, and the picture doesn't do it justice, you need to see it in person!!!

BreeAnn trying to put an old train set together, but she couldn't figure it out so Uma just bought the kids the racecar set, and they had a blast with it!!!!
The kids and I went to MI for the holidays. When we got there, they had lots and lots of snow!! It always makes it great to have a white christmas....the kids also were able to go with Nathans Uncle Norm to the Fleming Shack in the UP, and I don't have photos, but they had a blast spending time with Uncle Norm, Chase, Rosa, and her friends. They were able to snowmobile, and play out in the snow.....

The kids getting their hair cut from the best person I know to cut their hair, Barb does the best job on the kids hair!!!

BreeAnn trying to put an old train set together, but she couldn't figure it out so Uma just bought the kids the racecar set, and they had a blast with it!!!!