Sunday, February 25, 2007

Uma and Pappa Visit

Lydia thinking she is being tricky feeding Marble....

Lydia loving on her baby doll!!!! She loves to give her dollies the pacifer and bottle!!!!

Lydia and Papa at the school program
Elijah at his school program, he really enjoyed singing......he practiced ALOT!!!

My parents came down this past week. It took them awhile as they experieced freezing fog, never heard of it...but they brought our Christmas present, new bedroom furniture which looks GREAT, we LOVE it!!! and Elijah was in a school program this past week so they came to watch him in it. The time went by way too fast as always, but we had fun! Lydia really bonded with Marble, she really enjoyed feeding him, and playing ball with him.

Bobs Visit

Bob came last weekend, and he was really looking forward to watching the boys play soccer, but we got some snow and all the games where cancelled. We were able to go to the art museum and to the Rain Forest Cafe. We had a lot of fun!!!! We always enjoy when Bob come, we always try new things, and he knows Nashville so much better then us it seems.....

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Lydia has been sick since New Years, but this week she is feeling better finally after the 3rd time going to the doctor having an ear infection and getting on medicine. I think you can tell in the pictures that she is feeling much better, she is exciting to be sitting with her brothers at their table, as you can see...then she is wearing my headband and thought she was big stuff!!!!! Its nice to have her feeling better, hopefully it won't take that long to get her brothers better....

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Isaac enjoying his shrimp, and the boys with Uncle Joel and Aunt Tamara

The kids with the birthday boy, and the signs and hats they made for Uncle Joel

Lydia on her new butterfly she got for Christmas....

Isaac loving the snow, it taste so yummy!!!!

The boys were so excited when they woke up Friday morning and we had snow. Isaac was loving it, and he really doesn't remember snow, I think he enjoyed eating it more then anything. The had fun making snowballs and making snow angels....Also we spent the weekend in Columbus Ohio for Joels birthday. We had a nice time, and it was nice to get away to the cold to colder weather. So there are a few pictures from this weekend.